I love these workouts!!! Tahitian classes with the Tagaloa group!!!(not to be mistaken for Hot Hula)
this blog has been neglected for the mere fact that my motivation at this point is out the window!!! Reality settled once I stepped on the scale this morning and to my own surprise(not really) I need to get the steppin and get my act together!!! why the photos of Zumba fitness and tahitian? because I actually through all this "none" motivation I have been consistent with these things. I make it a point to workout at least once a day if not twice and sometime three times a day, my down fall my FOOD intake!!! the fact that my mental note of "oh you worked out, you deserve a treat" turns into five cookies later, another sweet treat and heck knows what else gets shoved down my mouth.
I guess I can get my motivation from my hubby, who is doing very well at the moment. I have been able to maintain to this point but if I ever plan on getting to my goal weight of under 200lbs I seriously need to step it up, like put that drive back up FULL FORCE!!!
So TODAY and the rest of the days to come I AM BACK, I am going to STICK with it as HARD as it seems I am going to make it HAPPEN!!! I have a full 8 weeks to get BUSY and bust the move in the gym and with my food!! Started the day off right with OATMEAL and some Vai mafana yea that's right Vai mafana. Vai mafana seriously settles my stomach. This past weekend I should have really drank it but UHHHHH NO was in DENIAL and NOW TOTALLY REGRETTING IT!! But oh well you learn, you fall, you get back up dust yourself off and TRY AGAIN.
My mentality this whole time since I started this second round of BL was I was NOT going to DEPRIVE myself of things I wanted!! But I should have said don't DEPRIVE yourself, BUT do the 3 bite rule 1. Taste bite 2. Savor bite 3. Remember bite. Something I NEGLECTED to do when enjoying a whole pack of OREOS and getting to the last one and realizing I INHALED the entire pkg OMG!!! I have pictures on my cell that are a daily reminder of where I have come, how far I've come and the ways I have to GO!!! I truly believe my sister Sinai when she said that pictures are your motivation AGREE!!! I post this picture to remind me where I have come and how far I have come!!! But for the longest time I would tell my sis and hubby I don't get what people are saying when they say WOW you look GREAT!! My reply used to be "Why? I look the same", until I started looking at pictures LMBO!!! so true!!!
So here's to my JOURNEY to a healthier SKINNIER ME!!!(maybe even a PREGGERS ME =) Wish ME LUCK!! it's been a ROCKY one but like the hubs says Buckle up and enjoy it!!! =)
OH SIS...you got this...jump back on like you said to me earlier today...don't dwell on the bad eating habits from yesturday just pick up and DO BETTER TODAY!! STAY POSITIVE Love you sis cheers to a happier healthier and soon to be preggers YOU...& ME minus the preggers part LOL